L.P.L.'s epoxy bonded reeds mainly used on rapier, projectile and even shuttle looms, are among the finest on the market. While not very repairable, the epoxy finish is our most durable and offers highly precise dent spacing..

More over, looms equiped with this type of reed has demonstrated superior operations. These are lighter, consequently less damaging for the loom and the parts; therefore this will help increase their lifetime of many years.

Epoxy reeds can be offered with different options such as:
- choice of dent.
- possibility of selvage.
- choice of aluminium or steel "U" shaped channels on top and bottom.

Cleaning our epoxy reeds can be done without any problem. Our epoxy resists all types of cleaning solutions and extremely hot water temperature without any concern for dent distortion that can change the air space and worse, leave loose dents.